Is Your Obsession With Targeting Millennials Hurting Your Brand?

Marketers are obsessed with millennials, and understandably so. Yet advertisers should be careful about chasing this demographic at the expense of other groups and opportunities. What may come as a surprise, and what many advertisers are missing, is just how much can be gained from baby boomers. Yes, as anyone on social media can attest, …

Check Out This Candid Interview With Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren

Though Buzzfeed is usually the place where you discover which Disney sidekick you are or what your childhood looks like in gif form, sometimes they link to and even produce some decent articles and interviews. I found this interview with Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren to be pretty candid, sometimes frustrating but interesting throughout. Click through …

The Rise of the Listicle

For those who have been living under a rock.gif, a listicle is a short-form piece of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient copy/images to be published as an article. Popularized by Buzzfeed, the listicle can also be a great way for brands to enter the world …